Decoding the Yin Yang Symbol

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Decoding the Yin Yang Symbol:


The yin-yang symbol originates from ancient Eastern philosophy and is incorporated into many aspects of Asian culture. The concept of yin and yang was first mentioned in one of China’s oldest texts, the I Ching (Book of Changes). The yin-yang symbol has influenced everything from Chinese medicine to martial arts.


The yin-yang symbol is shown as a circle separated into two even areas, one black and the other white. Instead of a straight line, the circle is divided by a “S” shaped line dividing the colors of each side. Each side has a smaller circle of the opposing color inside its larger area. The small circles of the opposing color inside the symbol shows that yin is constantly inside the yang (and the yang is also found inside the yin).


Yin-yang symbolizes the interaction between contrary forces within nature. Although the forces oppose each other, at the same time define each other. It would be impossible to define what “good” actually is without the existence of evil. There is no future without past. There is no front without a back. Just as day turns to night, yin constantly changes to yang and vice versa.


Yin represents rest, female, earth and darkness. Yang symbolizes activity, male, heaven and light. Balance between yin and yang change continuously. Too much of one can consume and weaken the other. When the body is out of balance, a person may become ill. The process of regaining this balance is called healing.


The teachings of yin and yang have not only influenced Asian cultures. People worldwide seem to be fascinated by the concept. The symbol is represented in everything from movies to tattoo’s. The ancient symbol of life and balance has helped carve the way of life for many cultures, and will continue to influence people for years to come.


Quote from the Tao Te Ching:

“When everyone in the world knows beauty is considered beautiful…this is ugly.

When everyone knows good is considered good, this is not good.

So being and non-being produce each other,

Difficulty and ease make each other,

Long and short form each other,

High and low incline to each other,

Sound and voice harmonize with each other,

Before and after follow each other.

This is why sages attend to the business of not contriving anything,

putting unspoken teaching into effect.”


Author: Jason Gandy

Published: June 7, 2013

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