Epigenetics: Mind Over Matter

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Epigenetics: Mind Over Matter


Genetics is the scientific term referring to the study of genes and how they determine personal traits in organisms. Genes are passed to offspring by parents and provide instructions in order to determine physical and behavioral characteristics. The previous theory of genetics states that our genetic makeup, represented by DNA, determines our traits and characteristics which can not be altered. Recently, scientists have discovered that changes to the way DNA is read can actually occur according to our environment and emotions. This new science is called epigenetics.


Bruce Lipton, a research scientist that worked with the cloning of stem cells, discovered that stem cells would respond and grow according to the environment in which the cells where placed. With this new understanding, it has been determined that the way genes are read can be altered by factors such as our thinking, emotions and beliefs.


Epigenetics explains that genes are merely a blueprint of instructions for a person’s traits. Our environment determines how certain chemicals and proteins react with our genes, and can actually dictate which parts of the genes to read and activate according to environmental factors.


Quantum physics shows us that atoms are made of vibrational energy. Since all matter is made of atoms, the basis of everything in our physical world is a result of the arrangement of energy being held together by quantum forces. With the understanding that energy is the basis of all matter, we can begin to see how energy can effect our bodies in various ways.


Although epigenetics is a fairly new science, many cultures have known and understood the healing effects of internal energy for thousands of years. Instances of controlling and harnessing energy can be seen in various methods such as the practice of qi gong, tai chi, meditation and yoga. Many eastern cultures developed ways to focus this energy into certain areas of the body such as the chakra system (located along the spinal cord) and lower dantian (located in the intestinal region).


Energy fields that determine our current state include human thoughts and emotions. Whenever we transition into an emotional state, a chemical is released in our bodies called neuropeptides which effects our mental and physical state. The release of neuropeptides determine various factors in our bodies such as metabolism, social behaviors, reproduction, memory and our ability to learn. Learning how energy can help naturally heal our bodies can lessen our dependence on conventional medicines which contain chemicals and other harmful substances.


An example of positive energy healing the physical body is the placebo effect. Some patients who believe they have received actual treatment for certain medical conditions (although no treatment is issued) tend to get better as a result of their positive thinking and belief that the treatment is working. This shows the power of the mind and emotions to change the physical state of the body.


Emotions and thoughts are very powerful energy sources, but can also be harmful if not used properly. Many of the problems people face are caused by the incorrect use of energy, which can result in symptoms such as depression and stress. Since thoughts and emotions determine the natural energy our bodies receive, we should concentrate on methods in order to provide positive energy such as love and happiness. Positive energy not only allows us to see beauty in everyday life, but also helps prevent serious health issues that may arise from the negative effects of stress and depression.


Author: Jason Gandy

Published: October 31, 2013



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