Expanding Consciousness

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Expanding Consciousness

Expanding Consciousness:


If someone has a small consciousness, their awareness and ability to process and understand knowledge is also small. For instance, when someone with a small consciousness reads an article, not much information is obtained and absorbed. Although all words in the article may be read by the person, little information is retained by memory. If someone with a small consciousness walks into a garden, their lack of awareness may cause them to miss the full beauty and magnificence of the scenery.


On the other hand, someone with a higher consciousness can read the same article and be able to obtain and absorb the fullness of the knowledge being presented. The information is better retained by the memory in order to reproduce or use the knowledge when needed. If someone walks into a garden with a higher consciousness, they can notice and fully appreciate the colorful sights, fragrant smells, melodic sounds and the overall beauty of the moment. Expanding consciousness allows you to notice and experience the fullness of life at the moment, without occupying the mind with useless and toxic thoughts.


There is an infinite source of consciousness available to all who choose to accept it. In order to allow more consciousness, the mind must be cleared of other toxic thoughts such as stress, fear and self doubt. In most cases, toxic thoughts are caused by previous experiences which the mind refuses to let go of, which can lead to insecurity and self ridicule. Instead of worrying about any previous or future situations, allow your consciousness to fully engage and absorb the here and now. Many people go through life full of worry, self doubt, stress and many other negativity’s filling their minds. One can not truly live in the moment while continuously allowing these toxins to fill your consciousness and thoughts.


The goal of expanding consciousness is to learn to live completely in the moment at all times. If you are having a conversation, you should be completely engaged in the conversation. You should listen to the other person with total attention..and without any barriers of inattention. If you are walking through a park, you should allow your consciousness to experience the fragrant smells and the beauty of nature without distraction from toxic thoughts.


Using methods such as meditation, qi gong, tai chi, and yoga, one can begin to clear the mind. These methods can help remove negative thoughts occupying the mind, and allow more beauty and knowledge in your life and into your expanding consciousness.


“Empty your cup so that it may be filled; become devoid to gain totality.” – Bruce Lee


Author: Jason Gandy

Published: October 1, 2013

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