The 5 Animal Styles of Kung Fu

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The 5 Animal Styles of Kung Fu:


In order to protect themselves from bandit and wild animal attacks, ancient Chinese monks formed the combative art known as Kung Fu. The origin of Kung Fu was heavily influenced and developed using the observance of nature. Monks would observe the movements and tactics of all types of animals, and these movements would be mimicked and practiced over and over again. Eventually the moves became second nature, and could be performed with precision and accuracy.


The monks studied the tactics of various forms of animals. The animals included everything from large mammals (such as the elephant), to insects (such as the praying mantis). Striking techniques, stealth tactics, movements and many other ways of the animals were incorporated into the style.


Although many animal forms are used, the main 5 animal styles associated with kung fu are the Tiger, Crane, Leopard, Dragon and Snake. (*Other well known forms include the Praying Mantis and Monkey.)


5 Main Animal Style Characteristics:


Tiger: The Tiger style uses strong, quick and powerful direct strikes such as the claws of the tiger, aiming for vital points such as the eyes and nose. Practicing this style strengthens bone marrow and builds muscle.


Crane: The Crane style uses balance, self control and accuracy while striking with the gracefulness of a crane, using the fingers to hit pressure points. Practicing this style trains concentration, stability, accuracy and evasiveness.


Leopard: The Leopard style uses speed and energy, combined with the cunning and ferocious techniques of the leopard. Practicing this style helps develop leaping strength.


Dragon: The Dragon style uses concentration and willpower, combined with powerful, light and quick strikes like the tail of a dragon. Practicing this style helps train the spirit and mind.


Snake: The Snake style uses patience, awareness and endurance combined with fast, sensitive strikes to vital areas of the body. Practicing this style helps prolongs life and builds chi in the body.


Author: Jason Gandy

Published: June 11, 2013

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