Should All Women Learn Self-Defense?

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Should All Women Learn Self-Defense?:


Self-defense is the act of defending yourself and property against an aggressor attempting to cause you bodily harm. The knowledge of tactics and countermeasures to use in harmful situations can mean the difference of escaping the situation unharmed, or being seriously injured (or worse). The threat of being targeted surrounds us each day. Being mentally prepared for these events is invaluable knowledge which should be attained by all, especially women.


An aggressor has a tendency to target people who they see as vulnerable and weak. The first step in self-defense is to avoid giving off these vibes. Things such as walking with your head down, appearing nervous or confused, and not paying attention to the area can give off signals to an aggressor that you may be a potential target. Examples of ways to reduce your appearance of vulnerability are to walk with confidence, alertness, and to maintain a sense of awareness of your surroundings. (*This also means avoiding texting and talking on the cell phone.)


Although this is essential to self-defense, conducting yourself with awareness and confidence will not always prevent all unwelcomed encounters. In these situations, it’s is extremely important to have the knowledge of verbal, unarmed and armed self-defense tactics. It is particularly important that women learn basic self-defense moves and tactics to defend themselves. Women tend to be smaller with less muscle mass than the average male. This disadvantage can be hindering and life threatening in dangerous situations without having some prior self-defense training. Self-defense provides women with the skills and techniques to defend themselves against potentially larger and stronger aggressors.


Verbal / Non-verbal self-defense involves using your voice and body language to prevent or defuse a threatening situation. These defense tactics should be used when you suspect a potentially harmful situation may occur. Non-verbal tactics include assuming a confident and relaxed posture, eye contact, and a calm facial expression in order to defuse the situation. Verbal tactics includes speaking with the correct tone, confidence, calmness, and firmness in order to de-escalate the situation. (*Being aggressive may escalate the situation and should be avoided.)


Unarmed self-defense involves using physical contact and defense methods to defend yourself, such as martial arts. Unarmed defense tactics should be used when faced with the imminent threat of bodily harm. Tactics may include the use of kicks, knees, elbows, eye gouging, and even the dreaded (but effective) groin shot. Unarmed techniques should only be used until an escape route is available.


Armed self-defense involves the use of weapons to defend yourself against an attacker. Weapons should only be used as a last resort in situations which are life threatening. Weapons training should be conducted in order to properly and effectively use your weapon of choice when needed. Typical weapons include firearms, knifes, pepper spray and other easily concealable armaments. In situations when a weapon is needed but not on hand, check your surroundings for potential items.


Used properly, self-defense can help you to diffuse a situation, prevent bodily harm, create an avenue of escape, and even save your life. Not only will self-defense teach you how to maintain alertness and awareness of your surroundings in order to find escape routes, it also provides knowledge of what to do when no escape route is available. In a world where the potential for danger is everywhere, all women should arm themselves the the knowledge of self-defense.

Author: Jason Gandy

Published: October 11, 2013

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1 comment

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