Mind Control: Thoughts Creating Reality

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Mind Control: Thoughts Creating Reality


Thoughts that you allow into your mind determine your emotional state. Your emotional state can be described as the state of your body’s internal energy. Your emotional state determines your actions and behavior, whether positive (happy, determined, etc.), or negative (worried, lazy, etc.). Repeated actions eventually turn into habits, and your habits ultimately determine who you are as a person and how you relate with others. Changing your thought habits will not only change your mental attitude on life, but will also help free your mind from worry and allow for continued personal growth.


Why is it that many people achieve greatness with very little education or formal training, while many others with college degrees struggle to maintain employment? The difference is their ability to take control of their own minds, and direct it to whatever desires or goals they may have.


Many people underestimate the power of the mind. The mind is many times more advanced than the most powerful computer available today. Just like computers, if the hard drive is cluttered with useless files, spam and bugs that do nothing but take up memory, the computer will run slowly and may even crash. In the same way that computers may become infested with files which take up memory and slow the computer down, people tend to fill their minds with useless and negative thoughts which only holds them back from reaching their full potential.


Negative thoughts are the leading cause for most people to become complacent in their current situation, and prevents improvement due to the lack of mental motivation to proceed. Negativity can cause you to give up on your goals without even taking the first step in obtaining it. For example, if someone with a negative mental attitude has an idea to start a business, the thoughts of potential failure and hardships that may arise will cause them to dismiss the idea, usually before even getting started. A person with a positive mental attitude may look at the same challenge, and get excited over the process of developing, learning and overcoming anything that may get in their way.


Instead of looking for reasons why a particular goal can not be accomplished, you should analyze the situation and decide the best route to take in order to overcome this obstacle. Without a positive attitude, many will see the challenge and give up, leaving you in the same position you were in before you started.


No matter how hard the situation becomes, positive thinking can turn worry and doubt into determination and effort in order for you to move forward. In order to see your goals fulfilled, you must maintain a positive mindset throughout the entire process. This allows you to keep pushing forward even when things begin to get difficult. Even if you are not able to accomplish the goal you originally set for yourself, a positive mental attitude can allow you to take the lessons learned from the experience and apply them when necessary later in life.


Controlling your mind also allows you to relate better with other people. Other people pick up on positive attitudes and emotions in the same way that they can pick up on the negative ones. If you are feeling sad or worried, others can pick up on this energy no matter how hard you try to hide it.  A positive mental attitude attracts others to you which will not only help you socially, but you will also find that others will be more willing to help you achieve your goals if you relate to them positively.


In order to allow new ideas and habits to develop, you must first remove old thoughts and habits which hold you back from your true potential. Meditation is one method to help clear the mind and control emotional energy, which allows new ideas to develop. Other methods may include NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Tai Chi, Yoga, etc. Focusing on the ‘here and now‘ allows the mind to be free and focus only on the tasks that must be accomplished to reach your goal. Without a free mind, you allow doubt, fear and negativity to enter which may cause de-motivation and procrastination, or even cause you to give up on your goals all together. Whatever you focus your mind power to accomplish (within reason), it can be done with the correct mental attitude.


Author: Jason Gandy

Published: January 30, 2014



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