Warming up before Exercising: What’s the point?

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Warming up before Exercising: What’s the point?


The importance of daily exercise is widely known to increase health and well-being. It is recommended by all health professionals as a proven way to improve the body’s overall fitness.


Although exercise routines are essential to add to any fitness regimen, many fail to realize the importance and benefits of actually preparing the muscles in the body prior to the more intense workout activities. Preparing the body before exercising or working out is known as warming up.


Warm ups usually include light movement by the body in order prepare for the more intense exercise routine. This could include any number of techniques or movements used to help the body adjust before beginning the actual routine. Warming up before exercises is actually a precautionary measure which helps to loosen the muscles, increase blood circulation, and improve mental focus needed to perform the desired routine. Various forms of stretching should also be included in the warm up to provide flexibility and limberness.


Not only will warming up help to assist your body for the strenuous activities ahead, but it may also prevent injuries which could occur without proper preparation. Many have suffered from injuries such as pulled / strained muscles, sprained ankles, and shin splints due to not properly warming up. Taking extra steps to insure the body is ready for any exercise routine that an individual may perform can greatly reduce the risk of injury, provide peace of mind and make the overall experience of the workout more enjoyable.


Author: Jason Gandy

Published: May 20, 2013



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