Why Meditate? Secrets of the Mind

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Why Meditate? Secrets of the Mind:


Various forms of meditation have been developed around the globe since the start of civilization. Meditation practices vary widely throughout many different historical cultures. Forms of meditation can include anything from zen practice to religious prayer, but why should meditation be practiced?


The mind is one of the most important organs in the human body. It is the control center for our nervous system, which dictates movement, speech and all other bodily functions.


In modern culture, we take extra precautions to protect our mind from physical harm. Examples would be wearing a helmet while participating in activities such as bike riding or roller skating. If physical damage occurs to the mind, many critical consequences could result – including death.


Although humans instinctively protect the mind from physical harm, many forget about protecting the internal (spiritual) mind as well. The minds mental state also has a strong connection to the physical body. Internal factors (such as stress, depression, anxiety, etc.) can not only damage emotional, behavioral and mental health, but can also lead to serious physical complications such as tumors or ulcers in extreme cases.


Meditation has been used in order to achieve various goals or states of mind in many cultures for centuries. It has been proven to lower stress levels and depression, and induce a relaxed state of mind in order to calm the body. Meditation practitioners tend to be healthier both mentally and physically.


The mind is essential organ which must be protected and developed both physically and spiritually in order to sustain a healthy lifestyle. Meditation has been a tried and proven method to achieve this throughout history, and should be incorporated into daily life to improve mental and physical well-being.


Author: Jason Gandy

Published: May 15, 2013



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